Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Greetings
We have had a brilliant term at BMPS. On behalf of our staff, thank you for all of your support and for all that you do at home to support our tamariki.
Here are a few of our highlights from this term: our focus on writing (you can see your child’s learning on HERO), the Tui Team trip to Auckland Museum, celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori, Tonga Language Week and Cook Islands Language Week. We also had our Kahu tamariki inter-school football competition, ‘Caught Being a Good Dad ’role model assembly and of course our culture festival.
Please see our FB page for more photos from this term.
Term 4 begins on Monday 17 October.
All tamariki must wear their BMPS sun hat. These can be purchased from our office for $6.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 17 October: term 4 begins
Week 1: Niue Language Week
Monday 24 October: Labour Day (BMPS is closed)
Tuesday 25 October: BOT meeting: 6pm start
Wednesday 26 October: BMPS athletics day (all whanau are invited)
Week 3: swimming lessons begin for Tui & Kahu tamariki (a permission letter with dates will be sent home)
Friday 4 November: inter-school touch competition
Tuesday 8 November: Kiwi team to Kelly Tarlton’s (a permission letter will be sent home)
Friday 18 November: Otara inter-school athletics competition
Wednesday 23-Friday 25 November: Tui/Kahu beach education trip
Thursday 24 November: BOT meeting: 6pm start
Wednesday 30 November: Parent/Teacher catch up meetings (BMPS finishes at 12:30pm)
Thursday 1 December: Parent/Teacher catch up meetings (BMPS finished at 2:45pm)
Friday 2 December: teacher only day (BMPS is closed)
Thursday 8 December: BMPS prize giving
Thursday 8 December: Year 6 graduation
Thursday 15 December: the final day of term 4. BMPS closes at 1:30pm.
Have a great and safe break.
We look forward to seeing you next term.