Welcome to term 4! Whether from home or school, it is our plan to make this a great term for our BMPS tamariki.
A reminder that all online learning starts today. Our teachers are very excited about seeing their tamariki!
For those not online, you should now have at least two learning packs and another pack that you can pick up today. You will also find ideas on our website and the Ministry of Education website:
If you did not collect a learning pack from school today, there are some available for pick-up from the pataka kai on Edward Avenue. Please remember:
- one person per family
- wear a mask
- use the COVID tracer app
- know if your tamariki are Kiwi/Tui/Kahu
- stay in your car/social distance if others are doing a pick-up
Please contact your child’s class kaiako, Kim or myself with any queries.
Stay safe and have a great week.