4 February 2025
Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Bula Vinaka, Greetings
A very warm welcome to our new Whānau and tamarki.
There is lots happening this term. Below you will find some more information and a few suggestions to help your child while they are at BMPS.
Attendance Initiative
Tamariki will need 90% attendance to be able to go on these trips:
Year 1/2: Chipmunks: Thursday 27 March
Year 3/4/5: Waiheke to visit Uncle Bruce; Friday 7 March
Year 6: a visit to the home of The Warriors: Thursday 27 March TBC
Our 10 cents per day has started. Our tamariki are already planning what they will do with all of their money! Please note that tamariki arriving later than 10am will not receive their 10cents for that day.
2025 is our year for making sure that our tamariki are at school every day so that they can reach their full potential.
Let’s do this! ❤️💙
Morning Tea, Lunches and Water Bottles
- Tamariki need to bring a healthy morning tea (no more than 2 packets).
- Tamariki must have a named water bottle (drinking fountains will only be used to fill bottles).
- Lunches will be provided.
School Fees and Donations
Please note that once again BMPS is part of the Ministry of Education’s Donations Scheme which means that there will be NO school fees for 2025.
We expect all tamariki to be wearing a BMPS short-sleeved polo shirt and navy blue shorts throughout term one.
Tamariki all need a BMPS hat (which can be purchased through our office).
(no crocs)
Thank you if you have paid for your child’s stationery. If you have still to pay, please do this as soon as possible.
Meet your Child’s Kaiako & Maths Afternoon
Save the date!
On Thursday 20 February from 2pm-5:30pm, we are hosting an open afternoon. You are invited to come and meet your child/children’s kaiako and you will have the opportunity to learn some fun maths games.
Devices and Sleep
Many of our tamariki are telling us that they are tired because they were on their devices late at night. Research shows that tamariki between 3-5 years need 10-13 hours sleep and tamariki aged 5-11 years need 9-11 hours sleep. You can help your child to be their best at school by ensuring that they are off their devices at least one hour before they go to bed and by making sure that they have lots of sleep. Thank you for your help.
What do I do if my child is unwell and is not able to attend school?
Our usual attendance procedures apply. Please leave a message for the Attendance Officer on 092748271
or email office@bmps.school.nz. Please state your child’s name, class and the reason they are away so that we can code the absence appropriately in our student management system.
As per our normal process, we will follow up on unexplained absences.
Your Contact Details
It is vital that we have your contact details: phone and email. Please make sure that the office has your correct contact details and if you move or change phone number, please share this information. You can email this information to:
BMPS Policies
You will find our policies here:
User name: bmps
Password: Mainfreight
Here are our BMPS Annual Goals for 2025: