The first day of term one 2024:
All tamariki will go to their class when they arrive at school. Class lists will be displayed outside of the library and in class windows. There will be staff available to help tamariki find their class.
Morning Tea, Lunches and Water Bottles
- Tamariki need to bring morning tea.
- Tamariki must have a named water bottle (drinking fountains will only be used to fill bottles).
- Lunches will be provided from the first day of school.
All new tamariki who are in-zone will be able to enrol at BMPS. The office will be open from Tuesday 23-26 January from 10-2:30pm for enrolment forms and information.
Uniforms and Stationery
Please refer to the separate newsletter regarding uniforms and stationery.
School Fees and Donations
Please note that once again BMPS is part of the Ministry of Education’s Donations Scheme which means that there will be NO school fees for 2024.
What do I do if my child is unwell and is not able to attend school?
Our usual attendance procedures apply. Please leave a message for the Attendance Officer on 092748271 or email Please state your child’s name, class and the reason they are away so that we can code the absence appropriately in our student management system.
As per our normal process, we will follow up on unexplained absences.
Your Contact Details
It is vital that we have your contact details: phone and email. Please make sure that the office has your correct contact details and if you move or change phone number, please share this information. You can email this information to:
Bairds Kindergarten, Mt Richmond and Skids
Bairds Kindergarten-please contact Pulusea directly for information.
Skids- please contact SKIDS staff directly for more information.
Mt Richmond (R1 & 2)-please contact them directly for more information.