Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e lelei, Talofa lava, Fakalofa lahi atu, Bula Vinaka, Greetings
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Happy New Year! We hope that you and your whānau are having a wonderful break.
Below is information about stationery and uniforms for 2024-how to pay online and when the office will be open for purchases. Please make sure that you read the other panui with information regarding term one.
You can pay for your child’s stationery online. Our bank account is: 12-3044-0331980-00
It is important that you reference your child’s name and class when you pay online.
Alternatively, you can buy your child’s stationery at the school office before the term begins. The office will be open from 23 January-Friday 26 January from 10am-2:30pm each day.
Uniform for Term One
All tamariki are expected to wear their BMPS summer uniform-short sleeved BMPS polo, navy shorts and a BMPS hat. You will be able to purchase uniforms at the school office before the term begins.
The office will be open from 23 January-Friday 27 January from 10am-3pm.