Announcement : 

Nau mai haere mai, welcome to Bairds Mainfreight Primary School.

End of Term 3/Welcome to Term 4 2023 Panui

Bairds Mainfreight
School Newsletter
A great place to learn. A fun place to be!

September 2023

Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Greetings

We have had an amazing term 3 at BMPS.  There has been a focus on writing in class.  If you haven’t done so already, make sure that you log on to HERO, so that you can read a sample of your child’s writing and see their writing goals.

A highlight of our term was of course our incredible assembly to thank Mainfreight for all that they have done for BMPS over the last 30 years.

On Thursday at 10am, we are having an assembly to farewell Miss Sam Wakefield (Kiwi 7) who is sadly leaving BMPS to take on a new role at BLENZ.  We wish Sam well on her new adventure.

We have an amazing term 4 planned at BMPS.  We are also hoping for lots of warm, sunny days.  A reminder that all tamariki must wear a BMPS hat to school (all of term four and term 1).  Please check that your child has their BMPS hat at school or in their bag.

Below is information about some of the learning that will be happening at BMPS next term.

Kiwi Team (Year One and Two)

Maths – Children will continue to develop number knowledge and strategies at their level. Our strand focus in term 3 is measurement (money) where tamariki will learn to recognise NZ notes and coins, compare values of NZ coins, skip count in 10s and use coins to make totals. Children will continue to use MathsWhizz within the class.

Reading – In each class there will be a continuation of daily instructional reading including: shared, guided and independent reading. Children are learning and developing skills through independent reading activities. Each day, children spend time looking at books that are of interest to them and reading for enjoyment. 

Writing – In the Kiwi team, there is a big focus on oral language, forming ideas and expanding vocabulary. Children write daily to develop basic skills such as pencil grip, sound and letter knowledge and forming sentences. We use different text types including: recount, retelling stories, character descriptions, factual writing, narrative and dictated text. Term 4’s focus will be factual writing. 

Tui Team (Year Three and Four)

Maths – Children will continue to develop number knowledge and strategies at their level. Maths Whizz will be used across all classes. Our strand focus in term 4 is position and orientation where we will be learning to give and follow directions and to create and follow maps. 

Writing – Our main text type this term will be character writing. We will also continue working on our knowledge of sounds and spelling patterns as part of the Sonday programme.

Reading – Children will take part in guided reading sessions within their reading groups on topics of interest. Big books, poetry, news articles and class novels will form the basis of shared reading. Regular trips to the library will provide an additional opportunity to read for enjoyment. 

Learning Pathways – Children will work within a small group to plan and present a short play of their choice to the class. This may be done as a puppet show, live performance or stop motion animation. They will be developing their drama skills as well as fluency and expression in reading. 

Kahu Team (Year Five and Six)

Maths – Children will continue to develop number knowledge and strategies at their level. Maths Whizz continues to be used in every class.

Writing – Our main text type this term will be creative writing. 

Reading – Children will take part in shared and guided reading sessions. We will also read and identify the features of persuasive texts to support our writing. 

All of BMPS

The BMPS Value in focus this term is ‘Creativity and Innovation.’

Towards the end of term, we will be inviting you to meet with your child’s kaiako to share your child/children’s learning success this year.

Key Dates for Term 4 2023

Monday 9 October: first day of term 4

Wednesday 11 Ocober: Tui and Kahu tamariki going to ‘The Twits’ show

Monday 16-Friday 20 October: Niue Language Week

Monday 23 October: Labour Day (BMPS will be closed)

From 25 October: swimming begins for Y2-6

Thursday 26 October: BMPS Athletics Day 

Thursday 2 November: Ōtara inter-school touch competition 

Friday 3 November: BMPS assembly-starts at 11:30am

Friday 17 November: BMPS assembly-starts at 11:30am

Thursday 23 November: Ōtara inter-school athletics competition

Friday 24 November: Accord kaiako only day (BMPS will be closed)

Wednesday 29/Thursday 30 November: Parent/Kaiako Catch-Ups (school will finish at 12:45pm on Thursday 30 November)

Friday 1 December: BMPS assembly-starts at 11:30am

Thursday 7 December: BMPS prize giving-10am start

Thursday 7 December: Year 6 Graduation evening

Thursday 14 December: assembly at 10am

Friday 17 December- Last Day of Term 4 (BMPS will finish at 1:30pm)

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