Kia Ora, Kia Orana, Malo e Lelei, Talofa Lava, Fakalofa Lahi Atu, Greetings
We hope that you are all having a great break. We look forward to welcoming back our tamariki next week It is going to be an amazing term 4 at BMPS. We welcome back Mrs Jude Shelley who will be in Kiwi 3 this term. If you are new to BMPS this term, nau mai, haere mai, welcome!
Our term begins with Niue Language Week. The opening assembly is on Monday 17 October at 11:30am. Our closing assembly is on Friday 21 October at 11:30am. We hope to see you there.
Tamariki, staff and visitors to BMPS do not need to wear a mask at this time. Those who choose to wear a mask are welcome to do so.
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please let the office know:
Using kiwischools app
Phone: 092748271
BMPS is using the KiwiSchools app. Please download this so that you can receive our panui, notifications and can inform BMPS of absences.
Uniform/Dress Reminders
All tamariki must wear their BMPS sun hat this term. These can be purchased from our office for $6.
BMPS uniform is available to purchase from the school office.
As per our Board guidelines:
- The only jewellery permitted are stud earrings, watches, and one culturally appropriate pendant.
- Please ensure that your tamariki do not wear artificial nails to school as these can be dangerous.
- All tamariki with long hair should have it plaited or tied back from their face. Unnatural hair colours/dyes is not permitted.
Sun Smart
As the weather gets warmer, we encourage tamariki to put on sunscreen before coming to school. There will be sunscreen available for tamariki to put on in their class. If you do not want your child to use BMPS sunscreen, please email your child’s class teacher.
Dates for the Diary
Please note the dates that school is closed or finishes early.
Monday 17 October: term 4 begins
Week 1: Niue Language Week
Monday 24 October: Labour Day (BMPS is closed)
Tuesday 25 October: BOT meeting: 6pm start
Wednesday 26 October: BMPS athletics day (all whanau are invited)
Week 3: swimming lessons begin for Tui & Kahu tamariki (a permission letter with dates will be sent home)
Friday 4 November: inter-school touch competition
Tuesday 8 November: Kiwi team to Kelly Tarlton’s (a permission letter will be sent home)
Friday 18 November: Otara inter-school athletics competition
Wednesday 23-Friday 25 November: Tui/Kahu beach education trip
Thursday 24 November: BOT meeting: 6pm start
Wednesday 30 November: Parent/Teacher catch up meetings (BMPS finishes at 12:30pm)
Thursday 1 December: Parent/Teacher catch up meetings (BMPS finished at 2:45pm)
Friday 2 December: teacher only day (BMPS is closed)
Thursday 8 December: BMPS prize giving
Thursday 8 December: Year 6 graduation
Thursday 15 December: the final day of term 4. BMPS closes at 1:30pm.
We look forward to seeing you next week.
Take care.