Announcement : 

Nau mai haere mai, welcome to Bairds Mainfreight Primary School.

Out of Zone Applications 2023

1 September 2022

Bairds Mainfreight Primary School

12-18 Edward Avenue



Enrolment at Bairds Mainfreight Primary School is governed by an official enrolment scheme, which consists of a ‘home zone’ and procedures for enrolling ‘out of zone’ students.

Students living in the ‘home zone’ of their school are entitled to enrol at their respective school.  Details of ‘home zone’ are available from our website and the school office. The Board of Trustees have determined that 30 places are likely to be available for ‘out of zone’ students next year.  The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone.

For ‘out of zone’ students seeking enrol at BMPS during 2023, the deadline for receipt of applications is Wednesday 28 September. If ‘out of zone’ applications for enrolment exceeds places available then a ballot will be held.  This ballot will be held on Wednesday 19 October under supervision of a Justice of the Peace.

Application forms for all ‘out of zone’ students are available from and from BMPS office-email:  All application forms from ‘out of zone’ students will be processed in priority order. Details of this procedure are contained in the Enrolment Scheme. A copy is available on our website or from our school office.

Fiona McAree-Ngaau
